
Configurations for Enjoy2: Transform joystick input into keyboard and mouse events (OSX)

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Configurations for the OS X application Enjoy2.

Quick start

  • Install Enjoy2
  • Open iTerm
  • cd /Users/$(whoami)/Library/Application Support/Enjoy2
  • git clone git@github.com:servel333/enjoy2-configurations.git


  • Fork this repo in Github
  • git remote add downstream git@github.com:$GITHUB_USERNAME/enjoy2-configurations.git
  • git add .
  • git commit -m "DESCRIBE THE CHANGE"
  • git push downstream master
  • Create a pull request with your change


  • When you make changes, make sure to completely exit Enjoy2. It doesn't update configs until exit.
  • Please name your files as Controller name - Application name - Alternative name
    • Alternative name: This is optional and is a place to put a note like Inverted Y Axis
  • Please design your configuration to work with the default keyboard/mouse conguration for the application.

Standard configurations

     _________                                _________
    /  _____  \                              /  _____  \
   /  /     |  \____________________________/  |     \  \
  /  /  7   |                                  |   8  \  \
 |  |_______|                                  |_______|  |
 |   _______                                    _______   |
 |  |   5   |                                  |   6   |  |
 |  |_______|    ___________________________   |_______|  |
  \_____________/                           \____________/

          5                                      6
       _=====_                                _=====_
      / _____ \                              / _____ \
   /   |     |  '.    __            __    .'  |  _  |   \
  / ___| /|\ |___ \  | 9|          |10|  / ___| (4) |___ \
 / |      |      | ;      Logitech      ; | _         _ | ;
 | | <---   ---> | |  ____              | |(1)       (3)| |
 | |___   |   ___| ; |MODE|             ; |___   _   ___| ;
 |\    | \|/ |    /  _               _   \    | (2) |    /|
 | \   |_____|  .','" "',         ,'" "', '.  |_____|  .' |
 |  '-.______.-' /       \       /       \  '-._____.-'   |
 |               |  11   |-------|  12   |                |
 |              /\       /       \       /\               |
 |             /  '.___.'         '.___.'  \              |
 |            /                             \             |
  \          /                               \           /
   \________/                                 \_________/
                  Logitech Dual Action

First person standard controls

Based on the Halo Controls

| Dual Action   | XBox Controller    | Action                    |
| 2             | A                  | Jump                      |
| 3             | B                  | Melee attack              |
| 1             | X                  | Reload weapon/Action      |
| 4             | Y                  | Switch weapons            |
|          Left Analog               | Movement                  |
| 11            | Left Analog Click  | Crouch                    |
|          Right Analog              | Camera                    |
| 12            | Right Analog Click | Zoom                      |
| 6             | Right Trigger      | Fire primary weapon       |
| 5             | Left Trigger       | Throw grenade             |
| 10            | "Start" Button     | Pause game                |
|               | Directional Pad    | Menu navigation           |