Serverless AWS API Gateway with Websockets and Lambda
This PoC shows a basic chat done with react and a websocket API done with API Gateway
The project is split into 2 folders:
That contains the backend files and
that contains the GUI.
The backend is done in nodejs (V8.10) that is the one that currently is supported by AWS Lambda.
To install you need to do an npm i
To deploy you need to do an npm deploy
that will deploy the GUI using Serverless. In order yto deploy, you need to have the aws-cli installed with some credentials configured like explained here:
The frontend is done in React JS using CRA2.
To install you need to do an npm i
and to develop use npm run start
to launch webpack dev server.
To deploy you need to create a production build using npm run build
and then I suggest upload the code to a website bucket in S3 using aws s3 cp build s3://name-of-bucket