Managing a server is pretty complicated, and building with serverless architectures simplifies this process. As a student, mastering serverless functions can help you to build projects that solve real-world problems by integrating APIs, constructing user interfaces, and analysing data. Javascript is the core language of this course - one of the most in-demand languages to learn in the industry.
❓ Not sure how to get started? Click⚡ Outline
Week 1 - Get Started with Azure Functions!
- Set up tools needed for the "Emotion Reader" project
- Work with an IDE (VSCode)
- Configure Azure
- Navigate GitHub
- Code your first Serverless Function
- Set up your project
- Configure the Azure Face API
- Install dependencies
- Learn how to test APIs with Postman
Week 2 - Working with APIs
- Code a HTTP Trigger Serverless Function
- Parse an image
- Make a request to an API
- Return emotion data
- Work with the Giphy and Twilio API
- Understand POST and GET requests
- Send data in different formats
- Text the user a gif
Week 3 - Incorporate a Database
- Implement a CosmosDB database
- Learn about NoSQL databases and data structures
- Store data with documents
- Code functions to work with databases
Week 4 - Building a Frontend
- Code a rudimentary frontend with HTML, CSS, and JS
- Code and style a page
- Integrate JS that makes a POST request to the HTTP Triggers
- Visualize emotion data
- Integrate the data stored in the CosmosDB database
- Visualize the emotion data retrieved from the Face API
✔️ After completing the cabin, students will create their own app with this timeline:
Week 5 - Brainstorming & Proposals ⛈
Students will submit a final project proposal which should outline, at a high level, what their project will be. This includes a project flowchart that shows the different components of the project and how they will interact with one another.
Week 6 - Developing the MVP 💻
Students will be presenting their MVPs next week and will be working with their instructors and mentors to develop their projects over the course of the next 2 weeks.
Week 7 - Completing the MVP
Students should have an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) of the final project. This should be a bare bones version of the project with the most basic functionality working.
Week 8 - Finalizing & Adding Features 🎀
Students will continue adding features and building their project until it is fully complete.
Week 9 - Final Presentations
Students will prepare a final presentation with a slidedeck on their project as well as write a blog post detailing their project and how they made it from start to finish.
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