Serverless Azure Functions Plugin – Add Azure Functions support to the Serverless Framework
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Support for python 3.10+
#685 opened by davisnando - 1
Support for Python 3.9
#680 opened by ml-data-solution - 0
APIM API version being retired
#684 opened by TheStackH - 1
- 1
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Yaml String Concatenation
#678 opened by BeAllAround - 1
azure-functions-core-tools upgrade to v4
#675 opened by kevin-boutin - 0
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Opt in to use locally installed Azure Functions Core Tools, instead of node_modules/.bin tools.
#667 opened by BartInTheField - 14
Release of new changes
#654 opened by nhalstead - 4
Fix CI setup. Ensure working builds
#645 opened by medikoo - 12
Add support for Azure Functions v4
#592 opened by sathishmohan-ps - 0
Add suport for Node.js 16
#631 opened by lcsales98 - 4
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Add support for .net 6
#614 opened by maciej-bielecki - 1
Please fix PR519 which bumps Axios and fixes critical security vulnerability
#532 opened by ianrandell-sh - 2
Azure Durable Functions
#553 opened by exhaler - 0
Couldn't deploy to azure
#609 opened by networkandcode - 0
- 0
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Serverless Framework is not setting the "leaseCollectionPrefix" with Cosmosdb trigger
#554 opened by wolverinethegeneral - 0
INVALID PROTOCOL: When we try to install
#591 opened by Alexis01 - 2
Can't set output name to `$return`
#523 opened by alex88 - 1
Event Grid Bindings
#521 opened by heythisispaul - 2
Error: Binding nameTrigger not supported
#566 opened by mebibou - 0
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Add support for supportsHttpsTrafficOnly
#576 opened by RobbertLStevens - 0
Support to warmupTrigger
#574 opened by gbrlmrllo - 0
Query string parameters specification
#573 opened by glockenbach - 1
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Type deprecation warning
#568 opened by dnicolson - 0
Integration with serverless-plugin-typescript
#563 opened by Honatas - 1
Binding is not supported for "sendGrid" event
#561 opened by mohovkm - 0
Support extended JSON format for ARM templates
#560 opened by freastro - 0
--package option ignored
#558 opened by jeffsegal-ccpo - 1
python: modules in requirements.txt with python virtual env are not found w/ serverless offline
#555 opened by bitsofinfo - 1
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Config to link existing APIM to multiple serverless files (similar to apiGateway config for AWS)
#510 opened by fahadshaikh09 - 3
Error: 'functionApp' cannot be null or undefined -- if the first time of the deployment of the RG has specified an armTemplate
#516 opened by marcoslimagon - 1
Provide a way to reference the resources created via ARM template in serverless.yml
#531 opened by HobbyProjects - 0
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Unable to configure function endpoints
#547 opened by glockenbach - 0
Add Node.js in version 14
#536 opened by satheler - 0
throw in CI when credentials are missing instead of triggering login via browser
#520 opened by G-Rath - 0
Provide a validation schema
#518 opened by G-Rath - 0
Deployment of ARM template failing when using "prefix" on serverless.yml
#515 opened by marcoslimagon - 2
Allow functions to declare their exclusive runtime
#509 opened by verikono - 11
cosmosDB bindings: Error: Binding direction/name/databaseName/collectionName not supported
#507 opened by blomm - 2