
Version of text_stabilization for Android using only C code, with frequent accelerometer polling and rendering done using DRM directly.

Primary LanguageC

This is a version of my text_stabilization repo that doesn't do any rerendering. It just uses a DRM dumb buffer to draw some sample text once, and then slides the buffer around on the screen based on incoming accelerometer readings. Uses a spring-mass model as done in text_stabilization.


  • Device: Google Pixel 4
  • Android NDK: preferably version android-ndk-r11c-linux-x86_64 or similar
  • AOSP build: aosp_flame-userdebug 11 RQ1A.201205.008.A1 (for some reason only AOSP around this time seems to have the required libs to access the accelerometer)
  • DRM driver modifications (custom kernel) as outlined in this repo


Modify scripts/path_setup.sh appropriately to match the path to your Android NDK toolchains bin. To add that bin to your current PATH, run

source scripts/path_setup.sh

Then run make clang64. Make sure you've first run

adb root
adb shell mount -o rw; remount /system; reboot

Run make push and make sure the executable from your now-created out/ folder and the lib copying script are sent to the device successfully. Then, in the Android device shell, call chmod a+x on the noshake_lowest executable and copy_libs.sh script. Run the copying script to copy necessary libs into /system/lib64. Then run the noshake executable.