- 6
State of SMI Spec
#253 opened by guettli - 6
#170 opened by dtornow - 1
Plans for other SDKs
#175 opened by tomkerkhove - 6
rename TrafficTarget to TrafficAccess
#177 opened by michelleN - 0
TCPRoute SNI match inclusion
#166 opened by dtomcej - 4
- 12
Define TCPRoute spec
#156 opened by stefanprodan - 5
TrafficTarget Source and Destination Namespacing
#162 opened by dtomcej - 0
Any plans for mirroring?
#252 opened by arve0 - 3
Does the TrafficSplit spec allow for identification of a default route for unmatched traffic?
#244 opened by jbyers19 - 7
Depreciation of TrafficRoutes in favor of supporting Kubernetes Gateway API - WIP
#249 opened by nicholasjackson - 1
support queryParams in TrafficSpec
#242 opened by ryan4yin - 1
Logical relationships between multiple match condition in TrafficSplit resource
#238 opened by tokers - 3
Trafficsplit based on sourcelabel?
#239 opened by hawk-liu - 0
- 0
- 1
Clarify behavior of overlapping rules and routing resolution in TrafficSplit
#227 opened by mikemorris - 0
Support API/Interface
#230 opened by robberphex - 12
`Matches` in `TrafficSplit` is unclear
#218 opened by michelleN - 1
- 9
Multi-cluster discussion - WIP
#212 opened by nicholasjackson - 7
Support custom authorization filter to allow delegating authorization logic to a third party component
#213 opened by andrelealmbcp - 2
- 1
Publish SMI API charts as a part of release
#209 opened by shashankram - 0
- 0
Is SMI only for service meshes running on kubernetes, any plan to support the meshes running on VMs?
#202 opened by nikita15p - 0
Provide clarity on how a TCPRoute affects HTTP traffic that uses TCP as the transport protocol
#206 opened by shashankram - 4
SMI Metrics and OpenTelemetry
#199 opened by mhausenblas - 0
Support ingress routing
#201 opened by addozhang - 4
Add the possibility to constraint TrafficSplit based on sources, while aligning TrafficSplit with TrafficTarget
#190 opened by patricekrakow - 2
- 0
Client Consumption Type
#181 opened by jwebb49 - 1
[Governance] Maintainer role: Definition of "active"
#203 opened by leecalcote - 2
update contributing guide
#214 opened by michelleN - 3
CNCF TOC annual review due
#254 opened by clomonitor-bot - 0
Question: Header-based TrafficSplit
#250 opened by ruokun-niu - 1
mailing lists
#195 opened by michelleN - 2
The Header Match format in HTTPRouteGroup description is not consistent with smi-sdk-go
#233 opened by tokers - 1
- 1
CRD installation
#240 opened by ylallemant - 1
Question about A/B testing with traffic splits
#243 opened by kate-osborn - 0
when to validate traffic target
#216 opened by michelleN - 4
Rename master branch to main
#200 opened by mhausenblas - 1
Change "master" branch to "main"
#180 opened by michelleN - 2
Deploy FOSSA license scanning
#183 opened by idvoretskyi - 2
Policy enforcement as it relates to TrafficSplit
#171 opened by ksubrmnn - 1
release v0.5.0 of spec
#178 opened by michelleN - 4
Tag 0.4.0 release of specification
#174 opened by lachie83 - 0
Add top level spec field to all APIs
#155 opened by stefanprodan - 25
How is the Hostname of the root service in TrafficSplit going to be resolvable?
#160 opened by shashankram