
Dynamic DynamoDB provisioning based on serverless framework.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status semantic-release

Automatically scale dynamic dynamodb throughput using CLI or automate it further using serverless framework.


Any reliance you place on provision-dynamodb is strictly at your own risk.

Getting Started

CLI Usage

  1. Install CLI tool globally via NPM and verify the CLI tool.

     npm install -g provision-dynamodb
     provision-dynamodb --help
  2. You will need to ensure that you have both dynamodb:DescribeTable on the select tables and cloudwatch:GetMetricStatistics. Refer to example.json as a guide to automatically scale the select tables.

     DRY_RUN=true provision-dynamodb jsonfile example.json

    Tips: Set DRY_RUN system environment for a dry run without actually applying the changes.

    Alternatively, JSON can be specified inline:

     DRY_RUN=true provision-dynamodb json '[{"name":"my-table-name","readStrategy":{"name":"capacity-ratio","upperThresholdRatio":0.8,"lowerThresholdRatio":0.15,"incrementRatio":3,"decrementRatio":0.8,"lowerBoundUnit":1,"upperBoundUnit":28},"writeStrategy":{"name":"capacity-ratio","upperThresholdRatio":0.8,"lowerThresholdRatio":0.15,"incrementRatio":3,"decrementRatio":0.8,"lowerBoundUnit":1,"upperBoundUnit":28}}]'

Serverless Project

  1. Clone this project and update serverless settings in serverless.yml as documented in Serverless.yml Reference. You should consider to fork this and customise it for your own deployment.

  2. Configure scaling strategy. TODO: Give recommendations.

  3. Deploy.

     sls deploy

Scaling Strategy

TODO: Explain about throughput calculations.