Servirtium Overview

See servirtium.dev/ for:

  • About
  • History (a timeline)
  • What It Is
  • Markdown Examples (with pics)
  • Markdown Discussion
  • Library/lang spider chart
  • Specific Implementations
  • Example Projects
  • Blog

Videos on Servirtium and its markdown format

There is a video of WorldBank's climate API being virtualized for testing with Servirtium-java here (12 mins):

Watch the video

Another video captures a day that service was flaky (2.5 mins):

Watch the video

Blog entries about Servirtium's markdown

Language Implementations in the Servirtium organization

  1. Java - Servirtium-Java (in this org) - ready to use, but the Kotlin one below is better
  2. Python - Servirtium-Python - alpha quality (help needed)
  3. Ruby - Servirtium-Ruby - nearly complete
  4. Go - People wishing to lead development sought.
  5. C# - servirtium-dotnet - ready to use
  6. Node.JS - Watch this space

If you want to start one of these then read starting a new implementation

Language Implementations elsewhere

  1. Kotlin - HTTP4's Servirtium lib (external) - ready to use. Impl uses Http4K, but works fine for usages that otherwise don't utilize Http4K.

We're also looking to existing Service Virtualization frameworks/libs to support (and help refine) the same Markdown format.

Demo Projects in this GitHub org

  1. Java - demo-java-climate-tck - complete
  2. Python - demo-python-climate-tck - nearly complete
  3. Ruby - demo-ruby-climate-tck - nearly complete
  4. .NET - demo-dotnet-climate-tck - complete
  5. NodeJS - demo-javascript-climate-tck - in progress
  6. Go - TODO

Demo Projects elsewhere

  1. Kotlin - servirtium-demo-kotlin-climate-tck - complete