
rela.tive imports and test helpers

Primary LanguagePythonUniversity of Illinois/NCSA Open Source LicenseNCSA

rela.tive imports in Python from __main__

Allow relative imports to work when running a script.

import rela; rela.tive('.')

No more dealing with ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package tracebacks.

How and Why?

It detects if __name__ == "__main__" and runs the code as if it were run using python -m.

This can make iterative code development and testing faster when developing in a single file inside a package.

You don't need to install the package to use the package when inside its development directory.

API Overview


  • Allows relative imports in script running from __name__ == '__main__'
  • Parameters: to - a string of the package name or the number of dots to the top-level package.
  • Returns: the package's top-level module

rela.path(directory, top=True)

  • Ensures directory is found only once in sys.path, at the top or bottom of the list. Always runs.
  • Parameters: directory - a string with a relative or absolute path to add to sys.path.
  • Returns: the absolute path added to sys.path
    • can be used as a context manager that removes the path when done.


  • A hack to run other code instead of the current __main__ script.
  • Motivation: because you don't want to switch editor windows or your IDE can't configure its "run code" command.
  • Description: runs module if executing from __name__ == '__main__'
  • Parameters: module - a string with the relative module to run, e.g. '.__main__'
  • Raises: IfMainInterrupt exception when done, to stop execution of the rest of the script

unittest API helpers


  • A decorator to filter tests from a unittest.TestCase class, used with rela.test.keep
  • Does not filter unless @rela.test.keep() is applied to at least one test method.
  • Motivation: Makes focusing on a particular test a lot easier
  • Parameters: None


  • A decorator applied to a particular test method, so that test.case keeps that test on the class.
  • Can be applied to multiple test methods.
  • Parameters: None


  • A decorator to run a unittest.TestCase class if running from __main__.
  • Parameters: accepts TestRunner parameters
  • Raises: RelaTestRunDone


If your code is laid out like this:

├── src
│   └── thing
│       ├── __init__.py
│       ├── __main__.py
│       ├── other.py
│       └── xyz.py
└── test
    └── test_thing.py

In __main__.py:

import rela; rela.tive('.')

Now you can run python __main__.py rather than python -m thing.

In test_thing.py:

import rela; rela.path('../src')
import thing.xyz   # now this imports

In other.py:

import rela; rela.tive('thing')  # '.' would work too
from . import xyz

Running python other.py now works rather than giving an ImportError.


Minimum Python Version: 3.6, because of f-strings.