
Highlighter for JavaScript regex syntax, like RegexPal

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Regex Colorizer

Adds syntax highlighting to regular expressions for readability. Currently, only the JavaScript regex flavor is supported, with extensions for web reality. Any regex features not supported by JavaScript are marked as errors, along with some edge cases that cause cross-browser grief.

Use the following code to run Regex Colorizer for all elements on a page with class regex:

// Don't run this line if you provide your own stylesheet

// Can provide a class name for elements to process (defaults to 'regex')

There is also a RegexColorizer.colorizeText() method that returns HTML with highlighting for the provided regex pattern string.

See Regex Colorizer's website for examples and more details.


Regex Colorizer copyright 2010-2012 by Steven Levithan.

Released under the MIT License.

Fork me to show support, fix, and extend.