
TortoiseGit Plugin for Sublime Text 2/3

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

TortoiseGit Context Integration

A TortoiseGit Plugin for Sublime Text ...because who has time to Open Containing Folder... and THEN use TortoiseGit?

A simple plugin to expose the best of the TortoiseGit GUI to the Sublime Text 2 or Sublime Text 3 context menu.

Adds the following to the context menu for an active file:

  • Diff
  • Show log
  • Check for modifications
  • Blame
  • Commit...
  • Commit (repo)...
  • Sync (repo)...

Adds the following to the context menu in the side bar:

  • Diff
  • Show log
  • Check for modifications
  • Blame
  • Commit...
  • Sync...

If there is no active file, it tries to guess the "relevant" repository by looking at the project file or the first open folder. In the side bar, it runs the command for the selected directory or file.


Please be sure you have installed the prerequisites before expecting this to work:

  • Sublime Text 2/3
  • TortoiseGit

You can install using Package Control, or manually install it. Instructions for both follow.

Using Package Control

In Sublime Text's menu, choose: Preferences > Package Control: Install Package

Then just type in TortoiseGit Context Integration, click it, and away you go!

Manually Install

If you don't use Package Control, you can do the following:

  1. Go to folder Packages: It can be found at %APPDATA%\Sublime Text 3\Packages. Also, clicking Preferences/Browse Packages... in Sublime Text will open the right directory.
  2. In that directory, run git clone git@github.com:ses4j/tgit-st3.git.


If your TortoiseGitProc.exe is not installed in C:\Program Files\TortoiseGit\bin\TortoiseGitProc.exe (the normal place) AND if it's not in your PATH, you may need to configure the plugin settings.


Thanks to the authors and contributors of the following repositories, from whom I got useful direction: