
Client for storing and auditing data.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


BuildLink CoverageLink LicenseLink IssuesLink


Ubuntu Linux

$ sudo apt-get install python3-pip
$ sudo pip3 install dataserv-client
$ dataserv-client version


$ brew install python3
$ rehash
$ pip3 install dataserv-client
$ dataserv-client version


TODO Download, extract and run latest bundle.

Command line interface usage

Argument ordering

$ dataserv-client.py <program arguments> COMMAND <command arguments>

Argument ordering example

$ dataserv-client.py --address=1Dnpy4qd5XSsiAgwX8EqYbR2DLV2kB1Kha --max_size=2147483648 build --cleanup

Show programm help, optional arguments and commands

$ dataserv-client.py --help
usage: dataserv-client.py [-h] [--address ADDRESS] [--url URL]
                          [--max_size MAX_SIZE] [--store_path STORE_PATH]
                          <command> ...

Dataserve client command-line interface.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --address ADDRESS     Required bitcoin address.
  --url URL             Url of the farmer (default:
  --max_size MAX_SIZE   Maximum data size in bytes. (default: 1073741824).
  --store_path STORE_PATH
                        Storage path. (default: /home/storj/.storj/store).
  --debug               Show debug information.

    version             Print version number.
    register            Register a bitcoin address with farmer.
    ping                Ping farmer with given address.
    poll                Continuously ping farmer with given address.
    build               Fill the farmer with data up to their max.

Show command help and optional arguments

$ dataserv-client.py <COMMAND> --help

version command

Show version number

$ dataserv-client.py version

register command

Register address with default farmer.

$ dataserv-client.py --address=<BITCOIN_ADDRESS> register

Register address with custom farmer.

$ dataserv-client.py --url=<CUSTOM_FARMER_URL> --address=<BITCOIN_ADDRESS> register

ping command

Ping address:

$ dataserv-client.py --address=<BITCOIN_ADDRESS> ping

poll command

Poll address:

$ dataserv-client.py --address=<BITCOIN_ADDRESS> poll

build command


$ dataserv-client.py --address=<BITCOIN_ADDRESS> build

Build with custom max data size and store path

$ dataserv-client.py --store_path=<PATH_TO_FOLDER> --max_size=<MAX_DATA_SIZE_IN_BYTES> --address=<BITCOIN_ADDRESS> build

Build and cleanup files afterwards

$ dataserv-client.py --address=<BITCOIN_ADDRESS> build --cleanup

Build custom shard height

$ dataserv-client.py --address=<BITCOIN_ADDRESS> build --height=<NUMBER_OF_SHARDS>