
Hacking the Kobo Mini

Kobo Mini

Enabling telnet

TelnetEnabler.zip from here: http://www.mobileread.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=108297&d=1373983679

unzip; it contains a file called KoboRoot.tgz. Copy KoboRoot.tgz into the .kobo directory of your Kobo when it is plugged into a PC as a USB drive.

Enable networking (for example, Wireless panel of the Settings page). Get device IP from the Device Information panel of the Settings page.

telnet; username root; no password. ftp works too.

Wireless On

The nickel program (the main Kobo UI) will switch the wireless off after a few minutes. Annoying.

killall -SIGSTOP nickel  # stop execution
killall -SIGCONT nickel  # resume it


zcat /etc/images/splash.raw.gz  | /usr/local/Kobo/pickel showpic

Image format is raw 16-bit LE RGB565 800x600. See https://github.com/drj11/pypng/blob/master/code/pngtokobo565 for a converter from PNG to this format.

Fetching Stuff From Internet

wget (doesn't seem to support https):

wget -O - |
  /usr/local/Kobo/pickel showpic


# On Kobo:
nc -l -p 5555 > foo

# On laptop:
cat a.out | nc 5555

Compiling Your Own Programs

Cross compiling for arm7.

sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi
arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc foo.c

For compiling node (which uses floating point):

export AR=arm-linux-gnueabihf-ar
export CC=arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc
export CXX=arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++
export LINK=arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++

./configure --prefix kobonode --without-snapshot --dest-cpu=arm --with-arm-float-abi=hard
# make && make install
# (you'll need to hack the #! line for npm)

External Resources

Many people on the internet helped:

Useufl general hackery: http://www.chauveau-central.net/pub/KoboTouch/

Hints on using ffmpeg http://www.mobileread.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1752157&postcount=1