- 0
Custom minutes for expiredAT
#16 opened by mtcapistrano - 1
Return value of Seshac\Otp\OtpGenerator::generate() must be an instance of Seshac\Otp\object, instance of stdClass
#12 opened by arslannawaz - 5
Timezone format in expiredAt
#14 opened by deyan-ardi - 1
- 0
#15 opened by Waqas-Sharif - 0
Does identifier need to changes on update?
#13 opened by donny26utama - 13
- 0
Otp::validate is always false on production
#11 opened by aryaaditiyaa - 0
New OTP should not be generated and updated in DB if maximum number of attempts reached
#5 opened by sahilsethchd - 3
It does not increment the no_times_attempt
#3 opened by sahilsethchd - 1
How to get curret time of deleteOldOtps
#2 opened by adibarly