
This is an open source admin panel developed in PHP

Primary LanguagePHP


This is an open source admin panel developed in PHP.

Installation Steps:

Step 1 Upload Osap folder to hosting

Step 2 Create Credentials, create the following in your phpMyAdmin Database Name Databse User User Password

Step 3 Add Database Credentials to Config file & Add BASE URL locate the config file in this path osap/config/index.php

To add your BASE URL on the same config/index.php file on line 75 add your BASE URL I.E $base_url = 'https://www.yoursitename.com/osap';

Step 4 Create Default tables Now locate the install.php file in this path osap/install.php and follow the steps

once this step is completed the install.php will be deleted permenantly and is a non reversable action.

Congrats OSAP is ready to use yo can now use the Admin Panel to maintain you database and custom develop the application to suit your projects.