A maven plugin that wraps the Detekt CLI. It supports the same parameters as the Detekt CLI.
Using the above configuration, Detekt will scan source files in ${basedir}/src and output the results in ${basedir}/detekt.
All parameters available to Detekt version 1.21.0 can be configured in the plugin.
The plugin supports remote config over http and https.
Alternatively, the configuration can be placed outside of the
. This allows the configuration be used when running goals
First a baseline file needs to be generated
mvn detekt:cb
This will generate a baseline file for each module named as baseline-<module-name>.xml
. For more information on generating baselines, see create-baseline. You can now reference the baseline file in your configuration, as below.
See Issue #144 for an explanation.
Used to run detekt. All cli parameters, excluding -gc and -cb, are available using -Ddetekt.{parameter}
mvn detekt:check -Ddetekt.config=detekt.yml
mvn detekt:check -Ddetekt.debug=true
Used to create a baseline. All cli parameters, excluding -gc and -cb, are available using -Ddetekt.{parameter}. By default, a file called baseline-.xml will be generated. If you include -Ddetekt.baseline in the call you can specify some other name for the baseline file.
mvn detekt:cb -Ddetekt.config=detekt.yml
mvn detekt:cb -Ddetekt.debug=true
mvn detekt:cb -Ddetekt.baseline=some-other-baseline.xml
mvn detekt:create-baseline -Ddetekt.config=detekt.yml
mvn detekt:create-baseline -Ddetekt.debug=true
Used to generate a default configuration file
mvn detekt:gc
mvn detekt:generate-config
For more information on Detekt, have a look at https://github.com/detekt/detekt