Ibenta Technical Test (Frontend)

Welcome to the Ibenta Technical Test for Frontend Developers. Please make sure you have access to this repo.

To do this test:

You can either use this template from creative-tim (see details below) or create a new template of your liking. But it should:

  1. Run on npm 6 and node 10
  2. Should be based on Vuejs
  3. Should use Bootstrap whether its applied manually or using Bootstrap Vue plugin.

If you choose to use this template:

  1. Fork this repo to your github account.
  2. Create a branch: feature/<Your Name in Kebab Case>-<Todays Date> e.g. feature/john-smith-25-09-2020
  3. Push all your changes in that branch.
  4. When you're done with the test, create a pull request.
  5. Send me the link of your pull request. Make sure I have access to your repo and PR.
  6. Please also indicate the local path of your page for this test.

If you choose to use a different template:

  1. Only bush the base template to master.
  2. Create a branch: feature/<Your Name in Kebab Case>-<Todays Date> e.g. feature/john-smith-25-09-2020
  3. Push all your changes in that branch.
  4. When you're done with the test, create a pull request.
  5. Send me the link of your pull request. Make sure I have access to your repo and PR.
  6. Please also indicate the local path of your page for this test.

Level 1:

  1. Create a page.
  2. In that page create a form with the following fields:
    1. Username - This is a required text field.
    2. Email - This is a required email field. This should only contain a valid email value.
    3. First Name - This is a required text field.
    4. Last Name - This is a required text field
    5. Password - This is a required password field.
  3. Add a help text for each field.
  4. Also add a text place holder on each field.
  5. Add a validation for the fields. Please refer to the field definition above.
  6. Add a submit button. Clicking this button will display an alert/notification that the user has been added.

Level 2:

  1. Do all the steps in Level 1 but make use of Vue components and reuse as much as possible including the validation logic.
  2. Create a table below the form that will display all the users that has been created.
  3. Implement a delete functionality that will remove previously added user.
  4. When the table is empty, display a message indicating the user that they need to add a user first.
  5. Implement an edit functionality that will allow user to edit existing users from the table.

Bonus: Implement some form of automated testing.

Level 3:

  1. Do all steps in Level 1 & Level 2
  2. Implement an API client with the following details:
    • Base URL is http://authentication-service.jx-ibenta-authentication-service-pr-15.ibenta.com/api
    • Will use OAuth2 for security. OAuth2 details are as follows:
      • Grant Type: Client Credentials
      • Access Token URL: http://authentication-service.jx-ibenta-authentication-service-pr-15.ibenta.com/oauth/token
      • Client ID: AITWD1zyBVuPWgn4ZBHSREtXJDZXL9Lt
      • Client Secret: ELEGpyarKD0OWDrzfiqWqmpkOb4FSKnb
      • Scope: read write
  3. Use this client to:
    1. Create new users:
      • Request: POST http://authentication-service.jx-ibenta-authentication-service-pr-15.ibenta.com/api/users
      • Request Body:
                "name": "jon.jones@ibenta.com.au",
                "firstName": "Jon",
                "lastName": "Jones",
                "email": "jon.jones@ibenta.com.au"
                "password": "Password1"
      • Response: HTTP 201
      • Response Body: Note ignore permission, roles, groups and organisation
                "name": "jon.jones@ibenta.com.au",
                "permissions": [],
                "firstName": "Jon",
                "lastName": "Jones",
                "email": "jon.jones@ibenta.com.au",
                "password": null,
                "roles": [],
                "groups": [],
                "id": 79,
                "organisation": null
    2. Update existing users:
      • Request: PUT http://authentication-service.jx-ibenta-authentication-service-pr-15.ibenta.com/api/users/{id}
      • Request Body:
                "name": "jon.jones@ibenta.com.au",
                "firstName": "Jon",
                "lastName": "Jones",
                "email": "jon.jones@ibenta.com.au"
                "password": "Password1"
      • Response: HTTP 200
      • Response Body: Note ignore permission, roles, groups and organisation
                "name": "james.jones@ibenta.com.au",
                "permissions": [],
                "firstName": "Jon",
                "lastName": "Jones",
                "email": "jon.jones@ibenta.com.au",
                "password": null,
                "roles": [],
                "groups": [],
                "id": 79,
                "organisation": null
    3. Delete existing user:
      • Request: DELETE http://authentication-service.jx-ibenta-authentication-service-pr-15.ibenta.com/api/users/{id}
      • Response: HTTP 204
    4. List all users:
      • Request: GET http://authentication-service.jx-ibenta-authentication-service-pr-15.ibenta.com/api/users
      • Response: HTTP 200
      • Response Body: Note ignore permission, roles, groups and organisation
                "content": [
                        "name": "jon.jones@ibenta.com.au",
                        "permissions": [],
                        "firstName": "Jon",
                        "lastName": "Jones",
                        "email": "jon.jones@ibenta.com.au",
                        "password": null,
                        "roles": [],
                        "groups": [],
                        "id": 79,
                        "organisation": null
                "pageable": {
                    "sort": {
                        "sorted": false,
                        "unsorted": true,
                        "empty": true
                    "pageSize": 20,
                    "pageNumber": 0,
                    "offset": 0,
                    "paged": true,
                    "unpaged": false
                "totalPages": 1,
                "totalElements": 1,
                "last": true,
                "first": true,
                "sort": {
                    "sorted": false,
                    "unsorted": true,
                    "empty": true
                "numberOfElements": 1,
                "size": 20,
                "number": 0,
                "empty": false

Bonus: Implement pagination.

Admin dashboard based on paper dashboard UI template + vue-router

This project is a vue version of Paper-dashboard designed for vue js.The dashboard includes vue-router

Check the Live Demo here.

Nuxt Version (outdated Bootstrap 3)


Link to Documentation

Build Setup

install dependencies

npm install

serve with hot reload at localhost:8080

npm run dev

build for production with minification

npm run build


npm run lint

Contribution guide

  • Fork the repository
  • npm install or yarn install
  • Make changes
  • Open Pull Request

For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout the guide
