An elegant curriculum vitae template made in latex with beautiful opensource fonts.
You can also see a sample resume in the sample-file
As a security measue, it's better to disable shell scape and networking when using an engine as Xe(La)TeX or Lua(La)TeX. With that in mind:
It's recommended to compile with Xe(La)TeX using
xelatex -no-shell-escape -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode <file-name>.tex
If you prefeer Lua(La)Tex then it's recommended to run
lualatex --shell-restricted --no-shell-escape --nosocket -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode <file-name>.tex
$ convert -density 300 resume.pdf -quality 100 resume.jpeg
Note: It works for png and other formats, for further knoledge read about ImageMagick