
Using pattern matcher in onnx model to match and replace subgraphs.

Primary LanguagePython

ONNX Pattern Matcher

Using pattern matcher in onnx model to match and replace subgraphs.

Get Start

# Define a replace policy function.
def conv_swish_to_conv_relu(i, subgraph):
    conv = subgraph[0]
    mul  = subgraph[2]
    relu = helper.make_node("Relu", inputs=conv.output, outputs=mul.output, name=f"{conv.output[0]}_relu")
    return [conv, relu], []

# Define a subgraph pattern.
subgraph_matcher = onnx_matcher.Matcher(
    Conv(?, c0)
    Sigmoid(c0, s0)
    Mul([s0, c0], ?)

# Replace all conv+sigmoid+mul to conv+relu.
subgraph_matcher.replace(model, conv_swish_to_conv_relu)
  • Run demo:
$> python happy_onnx_modify.py

Subsraph Rules

layername1/layername2([input_argument1, input_argument2], [output_argument1, output_argument2])
layername(input_argument, output_argument)

   ? will match any layer or argument.

For example1:
    Conv(?, c0)
    Sigmoid(c0, s0)
    Mul([s0, c0], ?)

For example2:
    Conv/Avgpool(?, c0)
    ?(c0, s0)
    Mul([s0, c0], ?)


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