AUGUSTUS is a program to find genes and their structures in one or more genomes. More ...
Windows users can use the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to install AUGUSTUS exactly as described below for Linux. How to set up the WSL for AUGUSTUS is described here.
This currently installs only a single-genome version without comparative gene prediction capability:
sudo apt install augustus augustus-data augustus-doc
To obtain the most recent complete version, first, clone the repository
git clone
or, alternatively, download and unpack the AUGUSTUS source package with
tar -xzf augustus.current.tar.gz
After retrieving Augustus change into the main directory containing the Dockerfile and issue
docker build -t augustus .
The following dependencies are required for AUGUSTUS:
- For gzip compressed input:
(set ZIPINPUT = false in if this feature is not required or the required libraries are not available)
- libboost-iostreams-dev
- zlib1g-dev
- For comparative AUGUSTUS (multi-species, CGP):
(set COMPGENEPRED = false in if the libraries required by the CGP version are not available. Augustus can then only be run in single-genome mode, which is what most users need.)
- libgsl-dev
- libboost-all-dev
- libsuitesparse-dev
- liblpsolve55-dev
- libsqlite3-dev (add SQLITE = false to if this feature is not required or the required library is not available)
- libmysql++-dev (add MYSQL = false to if this feature is not required or the required library is not available)
- For compiling bam2hints and filterBam:
- libbamtools-dev
- For compiling utrrnaseq:
- libboost-all-dev (version must be >Boost_1_49_0)
- For compiling bam2wig:
- Follow these instructions. Note that it shouldn't be a problem to compile AUGUSTUS without bam2wig. In practice, you can simply use
to accomplish the same task.
- Follow these instructions. Note that it shouldn't be a problem to compile AUGUSTUS without bam2wig. In practice, you can simply use
- For compiling homgenemapping
(set BOOST = FALSE in ./auxprogs/homgenemapping/src/Makefile if the option --printHomologs is not required or the required libraries are not available)
- libboost-all-dev
Once all dependencies are available, you can compile AUGUSTUS using make.
After compilation has finished, the command bin/augustus should be executable and print a usage message.
As a normal user, add the directory of the executables to the PATH environment variable, for example:
export PATH=$PATH:~/augustus/bin:~/augustus/scripts
You can install AUGUSTUS globally, if you have root privileges, for example:
sudo make install
Alternatively, you can exectue similar commands to those in the "install" section of the top-level Makefile to customize the global installation.
If the environment variable AUGUSTUS_CONFIG_PATH is set, augustus and etraining will look there for the config directory that contains the configuration and parameter files, e.g. '~/augustus/config'. You may want to add this line to a startup script (like ~/.bashrc).
export AUGUSTUS_CONFIG_PATH=/my_path_to_AUGUSTUS/augustus/config/
If this environment variable is not set, then the programs will look in the path ../config relative to the directory in which the executable lies. As a third alternative, you can specify this directory on the command line when you run augustus: --AUGUSTUS_CONFIG_PATH=/my_path_to_AUGUSTUS/augustus/config/
AUGUSTUS can also be run through a web-interface at and a web service at
Many scripts require Perl.
Running the python3 script has the following software dependencies:
- Python3
- twoBitInfo and faToTwoBit from . will automatically download these tools to the working directory during execution if they are not in your $PATH.
- samtools (available e.g. at or via package managers)
Mario Stanke, Mark Diekhans, Robert Baertsch, David Haussler (2008). Using native and syntenically mapped cDNA alignments to improve de novo gene finding. Bioinformatics, 24(5), pages 637–644, doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btn013
For further references see docs/
3 book chapters with command line walkthroughs
All source code, i.e.
- the AUGUSTUS source code (src/.cc, include/.hh)
- the scripts (scripts/*)
- the auxiliary programs (auxprogs/)
- the tree-parser (src/scanner, src/parser)
- the unit tests (src/unittests)
is under the Artistic License.