
This is a minimal docker container based on Ubuntu 14.04 for Play Framework development.


You should run this container interactivelly and launch activator console commands from within your play projects directories.


  • Oracle JDK 1.8
  • Typesafe Activator 1.3.9 (Play 2.5)
  • Git, wget, curl, build-essential


A user named play is created with sudoers privileges. Home is at /home/play.


Exports a volume on /home/play/Code. You can mount the volume on run to a local directory containing your code.

ivy2 and sbt caches

Java user.home variable is defined, pointing to /home/play/Code. In this way, all dependencies are kept if you mount the /home/play/Code volume on /home/play/Code/.ivy2 and /home/play/Code/.sbt directories.


Three ports are exposed:

  • 9000: default Play port.
  • 9999: default Play debug port.
  • 8888: default Activator UI port.

Remember to map the ports to the docker host on run.

How to run the container

Using docker

You need docker v1.3+ installed. To get the container up and running and drop to an interactive shell, run:

sudo docker run --rm -it -v "/home/dordoka/Code:/home/play/Code" -p 9000:9000 -p 9999:9999 -p 8888:8888 dordoka/play-framework

Remember to change /home/dordoka/Code to the directory where your code is stored.

Using docker-compose

If you have docker-compose installed, you can just launch:

sudo docker-compose up

NOTE: compose doesn't support interactive shells directly. See Issue 423

Happy coding! :)