If you want to use these images, you do not need to clone this project. Images are published to docker registry. Make sure you have docker installed and proceed.
Behind Proxy
1- update /etc/default/docker
export http_proxy=""
2- When running the daemon
sudo HTTP_PROXY=http://localhost:3128/ docker -d &
3- In your dockerfile or when you run the container. This will be need by npm/bower
export http_proxy=""
export https_proxy=""
npm config set https-proxy
git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://
TODO: automate these!
I have a squid instance running on the host on port 3128
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to 3128
I also had to update my squid config to allow the requests from docker ip range
acl dtslocalnet dst
Pulling Images
docker pull sesteva/grunt-sass-cofee
docker pull sesteva/grunt-project
docker pull sesteva/centos6-teamcity-agent-nodejs
Out of Order due to yeoman not running on root
docker pull sesteva/yeoman
docker pull sesteva/grunt-angular
docker pull sesteva/grunt-polymer
docker pull sesteva/grunt-extjs
Third Party Interesting Containers
docker pull sesteva/private-bower
docker pull sesteva/deployd
docker pull keyvanfatehi/sinopia:0.12.0
docker pull ariya/centos6-teamcity-server
docker pull ariya/centos6-teamcity-agent
For teamcity take a look at this article: http://ariya.ofilabs.com/2014/07/easy-teamcity-installation-with-docker.html
TeamCity Server
sudo docker run -dt -name teamcity_server -p 8111:8111 ariya/centos6-teamcity-server
TeamCity Agent
sudo docker run -e TEAMCITY_SERVER= --name teamcity_agent-01 --link teamcity_server:teamcity_server -dt ariya/centos6-teamcity-agent
TeamCity Agent with Nodejs Grunt cli bower
sudo docker run -e TEAMCITY_SERVER= --name teamcity_agent-02 --link teamcity_server:teamcity_server -dt sesteva/centos6-teamcity-agent-nodejs
docker run --name deployd -p 2403:2403 -i -t sesteva/deployd
open browser http://localhost:2403/dashboard
Creating a new Grunt-Project
Using Yeoman
Yeoman does not play very well with ROOT inside docker. To ease the pain, you should use yeoman outside and the use the docker environment to build/test/run. Since Yeoman should be used to create files this should not be a problem.
Requirements On your HOST
- Docker & Nsenter
- Nodejs
Copy/Past and execute:
cd /tmp && \
wget http://nodejs.org/dist/node-latest.tar.gz && \
tar xvzf node-latest.tar.gz && \
rm -f node-latest.tar.gz && \
cd node-v* && \
./configure && \
CXX="g++ -Wno-unused-local-typedefs" make && \
sudo CXX="g++ -Wno-unused-local-typedefs" make install && \
cd /tmp && \
rm -rf /tmp/node-v* && \
sudo npm install -g npm
Add to your .bashrc
# Node.js
export PATH="node_modules/.bin:$PATH"
Now run
source ~/.bashrc
node -v
npm -v
sudo npm install -g bower
sudo npm install -g yo
Your specific yeoman generator
sudo npm install -g generator-polymer generator-extjs generator-angular
Option 1 - New Project Flow
cd Projects
mkdir newProject
cd newProject
Follow yeoman instructions to set it up
Option 2 - Existing Project
cd Projects
git clone github....newProject.git
cd newProject
Build, Test, Run - Docker
Option 1
sudo docker run --name projectName -p 9000:9000 -v ~/Projects/newProject:/home/project -i -t sesteva/grunt-project
This will map your local folder into a project folder inside the container. It will run npm, bower and grunt serve.
Option 2
sudo docker run --name projectName -p 9000:9000 -v ~/Projects/newProject:/home/project -it sesteva/grunt-project /bin/bash
This option overrides the default action (npm install, bower install, grunt serve) and it lets you access the command line.
Parameters Explanation:
- name projectName -> name our instance 'projectName'
- p 9000:9000 -> forward port 9000 on port on 9000
- v HOST_PROJECT_PATH:CONTAINER_PROJECT_PATH -> we allocate the project's folder inside the container.
- i -> Keep STDIN open even if not attached
- t -> allocate a pseudo-tty
- grunt_project -> container image being used
Access the container
requirements - nsenter
sudo docker run --rm -v /usr/local/bin:/target jpetazzo/nsenter
Now we can use nsenter to access a running container
sudo docker-enter projectName /bin/bash
Containers Setup
mkdir -p /Projects/Docker
cd /Projects/Docker
git clone https://github.com/sesteva/containers.git
Builds are already set in docker public registry as automated builds. If you were to push them manually, thats when you execute last command 'docker push'
Debian Base box
cd /debian-base
docker build -t sesteva/base_debian .
docker push sesteva/base_debian
Yeoman Ready box
cd /node-bower-grunt-sass-yeoman
docker build -t sesteva/yeoman .
docker push sesteva/yeoman
Yeoman + Polymer box
cd /grunt-polymer
docker build -t sesteva/grunt_polymer .
docker push sesteva/grunt-polymer
Yeoman + Angular box
cd /grunt-angular
docker build -t sesteva/grunt_angular .
docker push sesteva/grunt-angular
Deployd box
cd /deployd
docker build -t sesteva/deployd .
docker push sesteva/deployd