Interactive Katacoda Scenario: Configuration automation of Kubernetes with Ansible

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The tutorial gives an introduction to Ansible and Kubernetes (K8s), and how they can work together. Topics are Ansible playbooks and inventory files, and Kubernetes clusters and namespaces.

The tutorial includes the following steps:

  • Introduction, into to the subject,
  • Step 1, initialize a cluster
  • Step 2: set up Ansible,
  • Step 3: create an inventory file,
  • Step 4: intoduction to Ansible playbooks,
  • Step 5: set up a simple playbook,
  • Step 6: K8s and namespaces,
  • Step 7: pull a Docker image,
  • Step 8: deploy the Docker image to K8s using Ansible,
  • Step 9: did you find the Easter egg?
  • Conclusion: