
A demo of how to use Vagrant to stand up a database server

Primary LanguageRuby

Postgresql database server whenever you need one


You'll need to have the following tools installed for this to work


This repo contains everything necessary to stand up a local instance of an ubuntu 12.04 server running postgresql and phppgadmin.

To get the server going execute the following in the directory:

script/database up

To shutdown the database server do the following:

script/database down

To destroy the database server do the following (this will remove all data):

script/database destroy

Then you should be able to navigate to http://localhost:8080/phppgadmin and log into the database server using the username postgres and password password

From a terminal you can also start a shell (given that you have the postgresql client on your host operating system).

psql -h localhost -U postgres --password
enter password: password


This vagrant box takes ports 5432 and 8080 so if you have processes listening on those ports then things might not work.