During confinement in France, everyone is required to fill out an "attestation de déplacement dérogatoire" in order to leave their house.
This repository contains Javascript file you can use to create an iOS shortcut to automate the process of filling in the web form to generate a attestation.
Create a new shortcut in the shortcut app.
add an action
select web
select Run JavaScript on Web Page the Safari section
replace the code with what's in the
file -
replace the variable values with your personal data
set the action to execute on shortcut input (instead of Web Page)
in the shortcut options (the
button)- enable Show in Share Sheet,
- then in Share Sheet Types, deselect everything but Safari Web Pages
Use the shortcut:
- Go to the form (https://media.interieur.gouv.fr/deplacement-covid-19/) in Safari
- Click on the share icon
- Select the shortcut