
This is the assignments of Cloud Computing course in University of Queensland

The course code is INFS7208, which I think is the same as the INFS3208?

  • The Assignment 2

    • about creating a docker-compose.yml to quick migration/release the project,
    • I think it should be DevOps stuff?
  • The Assignment 3

    • about using spark to do something word frequency stuff,
    • I think it is a simplier version of INFS7410, with the use of Scala and spark RDD.
    • I will release it after I get the master's graduation certificate (althought it is a very easy assignment).
  • The individual project

    • about using ml-spark to do something interesting.
    • Here in year 2020 sem2, there are 2 types of choices, which is playing with a simple full-stack project or play with ml-spark, I choose the latter even I have finished INFS7202 (because I think turning front-end and back-end stuff is very tiresome).
    • I will release it after I get the master's graduation certificate (althought it is a very easy assignment).