
This is a data mining attempt under the master thesis project Citizen-centric Smart Campus, which is the first section (3 for all) I have done in my project. The scripts are divided into data_input and data_process. All the route is adjusted to the relative route (except the origin big size json data input) which you can use directly after download or clone.

Matters need attention

The UQ wifi user data in one typical single day is a 7.62 GB Json file which is not so good to be upload here. So if you want to use this, feel free to skip the data_input.R file which is just making up data frame named DT.UQ.

How to use

Download Rstudio, directly run the data_process.R line by line. The data_input file cannot be used line by line as you do not have the original uq-wireless-locations-w41-2018.json file.

Further work

Email junquan.gu@uqconnect.edu.au for help or access of the User wireless network data.