My Popular Movies app for Project 1 of the Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree.
The app displays content from TMDb allowing the user to sort movies by popularity and ratings and view further detail about each movie.
Further information about the project can be found here.
In order for this app to fetch content using the API, an API key is required. You can add your own by replacing the {Your_TMDB_API_Key} in the following string in strings.xml entry: {Your_TMDb_API_Key}
Build a UI layout for multiple Activities.(a00a495)Launch these Activities via Intent.(a00a495)Fetch data from themovieDB API(9df3202)
Movies are displayed in the main layout via a grid of their corresponding movie poster thumbnails(6e61f4c)UI contains an element (i.e a spinner or settings menu) to toggle the sort order of the movies by: most popular, highest rated(9df3202)UI contains a screen for displaying the details for a selected movie(a00a495)Movie details layout contains title, release date, movie poster, vote average, and plot synopsis.(a00a495)
When a user changes the sort criteria (“most popular and highest rated”) the main view gets updated correctly.(9df3202)When a movie poster thumbnail is selected, the movie details screen is launched(a00a495)
In a background thread, app queries the /movie/popular or /movie/top_rated API for the sort criteria specified in the settings menu.(9df3202)This query can also be used to fetch the related metadata needed for the detail view.(a00a495)
- Endless Scrolling on list of movies in main layout.