Case Study


You have access to datasets

  • googleplaystore.csv
  • googleplaystore_user_reviews.csv


You are a data scientist tasked with answering some clear questions for a client on the Google Play Store data. You, being amazing, decide to go above and beyond also create and answer your own insightful questions. You must defend your conclusions with hard numbers and visualizations.


  • 4 Questions
    • The first 3 questions will be using the googleplaystore.csv file
    • Question 4 is to be chosen by your team.
  • Each question must have
    • Clear concrete answers
    • A visualization supporting your conclusion
    • A summary of your findings (2-5 sentences)
    • A recommendation that could help a consumer/developer/app mananager anyone that is involved with the product
  • Slideshow
    • 7-10 Slides
    • Highlighting your findings and cool insights
    • Sell the audience on what you found. Show them why it's interesting! Make it fun!
    • Memes are encouraged :)

Repo Required Files

  • A presentation.pdf containing your slideshow
    • (I recommend using google slides so everyone can collaborate on it)
  • Workbook.ipynb - jupyter notebook containing your work
  • (optional) Question notebooks, example: question4.ipynb
    • if you want to use a separate notebook for questions this is a great way to do it.
  • add images to the images folder

How am I evaluated?

Criteria 👍 👎 🤷
Investigated 4 questions
Completed Slideshow
Included tricky parts of data in slideshow
Used statistics to defend conclusions
All completed work is in individual repo
Workbook is neat
(optional)Created Custom

Good luck!