
Database schema and SQL and PL/pgSQL for analysing electricity usage.

Primary LanguagePLpgSQLMIT LicenseMIT

Electricity usage

Test Status

Database schema and SQL or PL/pgSQL for analysing electricity usage data.


Create a data directory using the provided skeleton:

$ cp -r skel/data ../electricity-usage-data

Configure and run the Docker application:

$ cp .env.dist .env
$ editor .env
$ docker-compose --env-file .env up -d
$ make import-data
$ docker exec -it eusage psql postgres -U postgres



$ docker exec -it eusage psql postgres -U postgres -f /reports/year_month_crosstab.pgsql
 year | jan | feb | mar | apr | may | jun  | jul  | aug | sep | oct | nov | dec
 2015 |     |     |     |     | 176 |  865 |  890 | 853 | 694 | 386 | 211 | 217
 2016 | 498 | 432 | 533 | 633 | 614 |  889 |  945 | 632 | 861 | 717 | 566 | 233
 2017 | 515 | 473 | 595 | 866 | 836 |  675 | 1027 | 985 | 888 | 845 | 490 | 538
 2018 | 559 | 485 | 572 | 661 | 737 | 1009 |  846 | 821 | 804 | 476 | 454 | 278
 2019 | 398 | 326 | 394 | 727 | 768 |  793 |  650 | 760 | 582 | 637 | 645 | 443
 2020 | 619 |     |     |     |     |      |      |     |     |     |     |
(6 rows)