
Data for mundoplugs.com, an electrical guide for travelers.

Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

mundoplugs.com data

The public domain data used to generate the mundoplugs.com Mains Electricity Database.


Data is in the YAML data serialization format.

  • countries.yaml

    • Primary key: ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code (string, upper case)
  • plugs.yaml

    • Primary key: string, lower case, [a-z0-9-]+
  • sockets.yaml

    • Primary key: string, lower case, [a-z0-9-]+

Primary keys are unique among both plugs.yaml and sockets.yaml.


Photographs are TIFF format, 8-bit RGB, compressed with the LZW compression scheme. The recommended dimensions are 1280x960 or 960x1280 pixels. An attempt has been made to maintain relative scale between the images with 570 pixels being approximately equivalent to 100mm. Files are named with the primary key defined in the relevant YAML file with the extension ".tif" appended.

If submitting a pull request please ensure that photographic images comply with these requirements.

Using ImageMagick to identify the compression scheme:

$ identify -verbose image.tif | grep Compression

Using ImageMagick to compress a TIFF image:

$ convert -compress lzw source.tif destination.tif