This repo is the open source code for the website


If you see something that could be improved or simply want to add a new wallet to the wallet support page, you can test the change locally before PRing using the following guide:

  1. Install Hugo (extended version) for your operating system
  2. Clone this repository
git clone
  1. Initialize the theme submodule
git submodule update --init
  1. Make your changes as you see fit
  2. Test your changes using Hugo (the output of this command will tell you where to connect to the dev site, usually http://localhost:1313/)
hugo server --buildDrafts --disableFastRender
  1. PR your changes!

If it's a simple text change you may not need to do any of this, and can just edit the file in Github, PR, and I can test locally as I have time.


All of the credit for Silent Payments as a concept goes to Ruben Somsen and Josi Bake, two fantastic devs working on Bitcoin.

If you'd like to support their work you can donate to their Silent Payment addresses below:

Ruben Somsen:


Josi Bake:
