
Wireless capsense with the MPR121 on the Intel Galileo from Arduino to Processing via OSC

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Eyeo Touchpoints

Wireless capsense with the MPR121 on the Intel Galileo from Arduino to Processing via OSC

Dependencies: OSC: OSCdata.h modified for Intel Galileo architecture.

Notes: -Wifi network sometimes requires a WPA supplicant and when restarting this is overwritten. -Need to test to make sure this does not happen during the installation. See: http://www.malinov.com/Home/sergey-s-blog/intelgalileo-addingwifi

Router and Firewall: -Windows and McCaffe Firewalls must be off on the remote PC for messages to get through -Set Router setting to 60 days, and Static IPs in the variables below for the machines.

Serial Debugging: -For installation turn off serial and use OSC to test so the buffers don't fill

MPR121 Wiring Diagrames are located here: Touchpad: https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/mpr121-hookup-guide/capacitive-touch-keypad

Breakout: https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/mpr121-hookup-guide/capacitive-touch-sensor-breakout-board