
Webpack Configuration With Vue, Babel & Hot Reloading

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Webpack Configuration

Webpack configuration with following features:

  • Hot Reloading in Development
  • Production Optimized Build
  • JSX and Vue
  • Babel
  • Eslint
  • Sane Project Structure

How To Use

Install this package

npm install sm-webpack-config --save-dev

NOTE: You need to install node-sass if you want to use sass, and compression-webpack-plugin if you want to use gzip option.

How to Use

const smWebpack = require('sm-webpack-config');

// Set Configuration [Optional]
const config = {
	sourcePath: 'res',
	destPath: 'static/dist',
	publicUrl: '/static/dist',
	sourceMap: true,
	devServerPort: 3001,
	appPort: 3000,

// Run Developement Server With Hot Reloading

// Build For Production

// If you want to go advanced and override some webpack configuration
const webpackConfig = {
	plugins: [
		new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({
			compress: {
				warnings: true

// Run Developement Server With Hot Reloading
smWebpack.runDevServer({config, webpackConfig});

// Build For Production
smWebpack.runProdWebpack({config, webpackConfig});

// NOTE: Both config & webpackConfig are optional

Using with Gulp

You can also use it in gulp using the following gulpfile

const smWebpack = require('sm-webpack-config');
const gulp = require('gulp');

// The development server (the recommended option for development)
gulp.task('default', function(callback) {

// Build files for production
gulp.task('build', function(callback) {

Now you can use gulp to run dev-server and gulp build to build for production.

Default Project Structure

  • Keep all your client side code in res

    • all javascript in js
      • vue components in components
      • 3rd party scripts in vendor (though they should generally be installed from npm)
    • css / scss in css
    • images in img
    • other assests in assests
      • eg. fonts can be kept in assests/fonts
    • index.html as entry point (no need to include js/css, they will automatically be injected by webpack).
  • all the compiled code will be put in static/dist

  • point your static server to static directory

  • use public path as /static

  • api endpoints should start with /api

  • Keep your server running at port 3000

  • Dev server will run at port 3001

Webpack Aliases

The following aliases are defined

// by default config.sourcePath points to `res`, you can override it in your config
	'res': config.sourcePath,
	'js': path.join(config.sourcePath, 'js'),
	'assets': path.join(config.sourcePath, 'assets'),
	'components': path.join(config.sourcePath, 'js', 'components'),
	'css': path.join(config.sourcePath, 'css'),
	'img': path.join(config.sourcePath, 'img'),

So you can write import Hello from 'components/Hello.vue' from anywhere If you want to use images in your vue templates use them as ~img/logo.png (append a ~) See vuejs/vue-loader#193

Configuration Options

const config = {
	// folder containing source files
	sourcePath: 'res',

	// where to put the compiled files
	destPath: 'static/dist',

	// at what url are these files accessible
	// eg. if using a CDN, you can give http://static.smartprix.com/dist
	publicUrl: '/static/dist',

	// whether to generate source maps or not
	sourceMap: true,

	// what port to run the dev-server (with hot reloading)
	devServerPort: 3001,

	// what port the app server is running
	appPort: 3000,

	// whether to enable eslint or not
	eslint: true,

	// the paths to proxy on the dev-server
	// only valid while running dev server, otherwise ignored
	proxy: {
		'/api': 'http://localhost:3000',
		'/static': 'http://localhost:3000',
		'/uploads': 'http://localhost:3000',

	// entry points for webpack (relative to sourcePath)
	entry: {
		app: 'js/index.js',

	// whether to open the browser automatically
	// only valid while running dev server, otherwise ignored
	openBrowser: true,

	// html entry file, generated files will be auto-injected into this
	entryHtml: 'index.html',

	// whether the exported file should be a library
	library: false,

	// append hash of the file to the filename
	appendHash: true,

	// whether to uglify the output or not
	// false in developement, true in production
	uglify: false,

	// whether to pre gzip the files
	// makes a .gz file for each bundle produced
	gzip: false,

	// whether to not display much info while running dev server
	quiet: true,


sm-webpack-config also includes rollup. You can use it as:

const smWebpack = require('sm-webpack-config');

const config = {
	entry: 'src/index.js',
	dest: 'dest/index.js',
	library: 'vutils',
	libraryFormat: 'es',
	uglify: false,
	sourceMap: false,

smWebpack.runRollup({config}).then(() => {

Configuration Options

const config = {
	// entry point of the script (source)
	entry: 'src/index.js',

	// where to put compiled file
	dest: 'dist/index.js',

	// library name to give to the module
	library: 'lib',

	// what format should the compiled file be in
	// this can be umd, amd, cjs (node like format), es (import / export), iife (for using in <script>)
	libraryFormat: 'umd',

	// whether to uglify the output
	uglify: false,

	// whether to generate a sourcemap or not
	sourceMap: false,