For a simple CRUD REST application, Spring Data Rest Repository is the way to go. Basically, everything you could want from a REST interface is created for you.
The application assumes that you are running an unsecured local MongoDB, which is the default setup. The database will be moviequotes.
If you are not running a local MongoDB, you can add properties to src/main/resources/ to configure the connection. # Mongo server host. # Login password of the mongo server. # Mongo server port. # Login user of the mongo server.
You can run the application with gradle bootRun
or if you don't have gradle installed,
./gradlew bootRun
. It will be available at http://localhost:8080.
Swagger docs are available at /swagger-ui.html. A postman collection is available in this directory as Movie Quotes.postman_collection.json.
The username is user and the password is password. Basic authentication is supported.