
sync version of phantomjs-node

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is a synchronous version of the phantom for node module using fibers. There are different modes available, allowing the PhantomJS API to be used synchronously, asynchronously, or a mix of both.


npm install phantom-sync

simple usage (coffeescript)

{Phantom,Sync} = require 'phantom-sync'

phantom = new Phantom 

Sync ->
  ph = phantom.create()
  page = ph.createPage()
  status = page.open "http://www.google.com"
  console.log "status=", status  
  title = page.evaluate ->
  console.log "title=", title


async API

Same as phantom for node

When using the ['mixed','args'] mode, make sure that a 'done' callback is passed to methods like 'onConsoleMessage' or 'evaluate', even when not expecting return values, otherwise the methods will be called synchronously.

sync API

This is the phantom for node API where that callbacks have been transformed into returns. Therefore it should be very similar to the PhantomJS API, except for the getters/setters function which need to be called like in the following code:

p.page.set 'settings.loadImages', false
p.page.get 'settings.loadImages'


Please refer to make-sync for detailed mode descriptions.

# sync (default)
phantom = new Phantom   
phantom = new Phantom mode:'sync'   
# async
phantom = new Phantom mode:'async'   
# mixed-args (mixed default)
phantom = new Phantom mode:'mixed'
phantom = new Phantom mode:['mixed','args']
# mixed-fibers
phantom = new Phantom mode:['mixed','fibers']

mixed mode example (coffeescript)

{Phantom,Sync} = require 'phantom-sync'

phantom = new Phantom mode:'mixed' 

[page,ph] = [] 
# sync calls
Sync ->
  console.log "Step 1"    
  ph = phantom.create()
  page = ph.createPage()
  status = page.open "http://www.google.com"
  console.log "status=", status  
  title = page.evaluate ->
  console.log "title=", title

# async calls on the the previous objects
setTimeout ->
  console.log "Step 2"  
  page.open "http://www.yahoo.com", (status) ->  
    console.log "status=", status  
    page.evaluate (-> document.title), (title) -> 
      console.log "title=", title
  # using async calls to create a new set of objects
  setTimeout ->
    console.log "Step 3"  
    phantom.create (ph2) ->
      ph2.createPage (page2) ->
        page2.open "http://www.apple.com", (status) ->  
          console.log "status=", status  
          page2.evaluate (-> document.title), (title) -> 
            console.log "title=", title
  , 10000  
, 10000