
A simple configuration management tool.

Primary LanguageGo

tiny configuration management

Tiny is a small tool which can be used for configuration management, and it is similar in concept to tools such as Ansible and Chef. JavaScript is used to define configuration files, which can be used to execute commands on target systems.

Getting started

To execute tiny, you must provide a targets.js and actions.js file. The former defines which machines you want to operate on, and the latter defines the actions you wish te perform (applications to install, files to copy, etc.).

Once you have created these files (more info below), you can run:

tiny run --targets ./targets.js --actions ./actions.js

Defining Targets

Targets are the remote machines which you want to operate on. For example, let's say you want to provision a few Ubuntu machines with Nginx and some default Nginx configuration. You would define the target file as shown below:

// targets.js
tiny.addTarget('', 'root', 'R00tPa$$w0rd1');
tiny.addTarget('', 'root', 'R00tPa$$w0rd2');
tiny.addTarget('', 'root', 'R00tPa$$w0rd3');

Defining actions

Tiny supports a limited set of actions.

Install (debian) package

tiny.installPackage(package_name: string)

  • Installs a debian package using the apt package manager on ubuntu.
  • This operation is idempotent, meaning that if the package is already installed, no action will be performed.

Example usage:

// Install nginx

Copy files

tiny.copy(local_path: string, remote_path: string);

  • Copies files from local machine (where tiny is executed) to the target machine, at the given path
  • Paths

Example usage:

// Copy nginx configuration file
tiny.copy('./files/default_nginx', '/etc/nginx/sites-available/default');

Control services

tiny.service(service_name: string, operation: string)

  • Start, stop, restart services

Example usage:

// Start nginx service
tiny.service('nginx', 'start');

Full example


tiny.addTarget('', 'root', 'R00tPa$$w0rd1');
tiny.addTarget('', 'root', 'R00tPa$$w0rd2');
tiny.addTarget('', 'root', 'R00tPa$$w0rd3');


// Install nginx and setup default configuration
tiny.copy('./files/default_nginx', '/etc/nginx/sites-available/default');

// Copy application source files to www directory
tiny.copy('./files/app/', '/usr/share/nginx/www/');

// Start nginx
tiny.service('nginx', 'start');

run actions

tiny run --targets ./targets.js --actions ./actions.js