
Searchable Database of DC Voter Registration Information

Primary LanguageC#

DC Snoop

DC Snoop is web application that provides a searchable database of Washington, DC voter registration information. It is built using ASP.Net Core, Entity Framework Core, PostgreSQL, and a little HTML and jQuery for the UI.

DC Snoop Banner


This is a standard ASP.Net Core application, so it follows the standard ASP.NET Core setup.


Updating the configuration

  • Update the connection string in appsettings.json to match the settings you used when installing PostgreSQL.

Build and Run

  • Restoring Nuget depencencies - From the root directory on the command line run
dotnet restore
  • Setup the database - From the root directory on the command line run
dotnet ef database update
  • Build and run - From the root directory on the command line run
dotnet run

The application should now be running on localhost:5000. The RESTful API exposes three methods.

  • In the UI folder open index.html in your favorite browser to view the UI. You may need to update the URL used for AJAX calls within UI/js/app.js to connect to your locally running API.

Additional Notes

These steps will create the database and get the application up and running, but they will not populate the database with any voter registration data. There is a seperate tool for that here.