
This is a simple pickups app to allow users to register, submit pickups, and see all of their submitted pickups.

Deployment instructions

  • Make sure you have version 3.1.2 of ruby. You can user rbenv, asdf, or a similar version manager to keep this version of ruby isolated to this project.
  • Make sure you have Postgres installed and available.
  • If this is a Windows machine, you will need to add the tzinfo-data gem to Gemfile before bundle install, since I wasn't expecting this to run in a Windows environment.
  • In the pickup-app directory do bundle install to install the project gems.
  • Do bin/rails s to start the server.
  • Navigate to htpp://localhost:3000.

Core resources:

  • web app: Rails
  • database: PostgreSQL
  • test framework: rspec
  • test factories: factorybot
  • user logins: passwordless
  • email delivery: ActionMailer, letter_opener (dev)

Iterative steps I followed to implement the features

  • Setup a minimal version of Rails with these core resources.
  • Create user model, using passwordless, that allows users to sign up and sign in.
  • Create pickup model that belongs to user, with a date, status, and location.
    • Date and location are required.
    • Status defaults to initial value.
    • Status will be an enum with values of {submitted: 0, accepted: 1, in_progress: 2, completed: 3}
  • Assume that admin users will have to use the console to change pickup statuses, since that's out of scope for these stories and can be built later.
  • Add model test so that users can not submit a new pickup in the past.
  • Add feature test for users to only be able to view their own pickups.
  • Add Bootstrap and some basic styling.
  • Add a navbar to the layout
  • Polish UI so that uses can submit a pickup and view all of the pickups they've submitted.
  • Write up a README for how to run the application.
  • Nice to have, but probably out of scope: email the user whenever the status of one of their pickups changes so they don't have to login to check.

I did not get to the last step.