
Machine Learning Experiments - Practical Learning

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

mlhub is a repository containing various tidbits of code related to Machine Learning / AI / Computer Vision/ Neural Networks. This repository can give ideas about Machine learning projects to work on for beginners.

Things Implemented as of now (Oldest to Newest):

Project Name Language used
Linear Regression in Python using Theano Python
Collaborative Filtering in C++ using mlpack C++
3 Layer Feedforward Neural net in C++ using Armadillo C++
Simple Game bot using OpenAI's Gym and Universe Python
Email Classification using command line utility of mlpack Bash
Water the Flower Learning using Neuroevolution Javascript
Using Deep net to classify the classic MNIST dataset. Python
Deep Sentiment Analysis on IMDb dataset using TFLearn Python
CIFAR 10 using Numpy Python
Support Vector Regression using sklearn Python
Neural Image Caption Generator Python
Recurrent Neural net using Tensorflow Python
Happy or Sad Webapp Python
Finding successful projects Python
Multi Emotion Detector Python
WVGLAE Ensemble Python
Pokemon Classification Python

Licensed under MIT License