GCS Lock creates a forward-looking lock using Google Cloud Storage. The lock is forward-looking because it is not actually "held" like a mutex. This is useful in situations where you want something to occur at most once over a duration, but multiple independent processes could trigger the event.
"Identity" is tied to the object itself; different locks should use different object names.
lock, err := gcslock.New(ctx, "my-bucket", "my-object")
if err != nil {
panic(err) // TODO: handle error
defer lock.Close(ctx)
// Acquire the lock for 30 minutes. Upon successful return from this method,
// the lock is held.
if err := lock.Acquire(ctx, 30*time.Minute); err != nil {
var lockErr *ErrLockHeld
if errors.As(err, &lockErr) {
// Lock is already held
log.Printf("lock is held until %s", lockErr.NotBefore())
panic(err) // TODO: handle error