
A @HashiCorp Terraform provider for managing Google Calendar events.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Terraform Google Calendar Provider

This is a Terraform provider for managing meetings on Google Calendar. It enables you to treat "calendars as code" the same way you already treat infrastructure as code!


  1. Use Terraform 0.13+.

  2. Pull from the module registry:

    terraform {
      required_providers {
        googlecalendar = {
          source  = "sethvargo/googlecalendar"
          version = "~> 0.3"
  3. Create your Terraform configurations as normal, and run terraform init:

    $ terraform init


  1. Create a Terraform configuration file:

    resource "googlecalendar_event" "example" {
      summary     = "My Event"
      description = "Long-form description of the event"
      location    = "Conference Room B"
      // Start and end times work best if specified as RFC3339.
      start = "2017-10-12T15:00:00-05:00"
      end   = "2017-10-12T17:00:00-05:00"
      // Each attendee is listed separately, and attendees can be marked as
      // optional.
      attendee {
        email = "seth@sethvargo.com"
      attendee {
        email    = "you@company.com"
        optional = true
  2. Run terraform init to pull in the provider:

    $ terraform init
  3. Run terraform plan and terraform apply to create events:

    $ terraform plan
    $ terraform apply


For more examples, please see the examples folder in this repository.



Arguments are provided as inputs to the resource, in the *.tf file.

  • summary (string, required) - the "title" of the event.

  • start (string, required) - the RFC3339-formatted start time of the event with the timestamp included.

  • end (string, required) - the RFC3339-formatted end time of the event with the timestamp included.

  • description (string) - the long-form description of the event. This can be multiple paragraphs using Terraform's heredoc syntax.

  • guests_can_invite_others (bool, true) - specifies that guests (attendees) can invite other guests. Set this to false to allow only the organizer to manage the guest list.

  • guests_can_modify (bool, false) - specifies that guests (attendees) can modify the event (change start time, description, etc). Set this to true to give any guest full control over the event.

  • guests_can_see_other_guests (bool, true) - specifies that guests (attendees) can see other guests. Set this to false to restrict the guest list visibility.

  • show_as_available (bool, false) - specifies that the time should be "blocked" on the calendar (mark as busy). Set this to true to create an event that is transparent.

  • send_notifications (bool, true) - specifies that email notifications should be sent to guests (attendees). Set this to false to put things on people's calendar's without notifying them.

  • visibility (string) - specifies the visibility for the event. Valid values are:

    • "" - default inherit from calendar
    • "public" - public
    • "private" - private
  • attendee (list of structures) - specifies a guest (attendee) to invite to the event. This may be specified more than once to invite multiple people to the same event. The following fields are supported:

    • email (string, required) - the Google email address of the attendee.

    • optional (bool, false) - specifies that the guest (attendee) is marked as optional. Set this to true to mark the user as an optional attendee.

  • reminder (list of reminders) - specifies a reminder option leading up to the event for all attendees. This overrides any default reminders the user has set for their calendar. Leave this unset to inherit calendar default reminders. This may be specified more than once to remind multiple times. The following fields are supported:

    • method (string, required) - the method to use. Valid options are:

      • "email" - send an email
      • "popup" - popup in-browser
      • "sms" - send a text message (requires GSuite)
    • before (string, required) - the duration prior to the meeting to send the reminder. Note that the Google Calendar API expects this to be the "number of minutes", but Terraform adds syntactic sugar here by allowing you to specify the time in a Go timestamp like "30m" or "4h". These timestamps are parsed and converted to minutes automatically.


Attributes are values that are only known after creation.

  • event_id (string) - the unique ID of the event on this calendar

  • hangout_link (string) - the HTTPS web link to the attached Google Hangout. In practice, I have been unable to get this link to appear.

  • html_link (string) - the HTTP web link to the calendar invite on calendar.google.com.

Constraints & Understanding


It is important to note that you are not creating an event on a person's calendar - that is not permitted. Can you imagine if anyone with a Google Cloud account could put events on your calendar!? Instead, you are creating an event on the service account's calendar and then inviting the appropriate attendees to that event. In this way, Terraform acts as a "robot" which invites people to an event.


A good future enhancement is to allow "human" times. Right now, all times must be specified in RFC3339 format. It would be great to allow arbitrary human times like "Oct 13, 2017 at 4pm EST".

License & Author

This project is licensed under the MIT license by Seth Vargo (seth@sethvargo.com).