
The Matrix effect

Primary LanguagePowerShell

cmatrix Effect

The matrix effect on Windows through PowerShell


How to

  1. Open Windows Powershell (in some cases Admin privilege might be needed)

  2. Either download and save cmatrix.psm1 or just clonethis repo using git clone https://github.com/matriex/cmatrix

  3. Import the module, set the timeout and enable it:

Set-Executionpolicy remotesigned
Import-Module .\cmatrix
Set-ScreenSaverTimeout -Seconds 5

If you are happy with it, then you can put it also in one of your module folders that you can get via $env:PSModulePath. Just create a folder named cmatrix and put cmatrix.psm1 in it and then the next time you can just import it as Import-Module cmatrix without having to specify the full path.

Author: Oisin Grehan

Contributor: Christoph Bergmeister