
Application that can be used to write, save, and delete notes. Uses an express backend to save and retrieve note data from a JSON file.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Node application that can be used to write, save, and delete notes. Uses an express backend to save and retrieve note data from a JSON file.

Deployed on Heroku : https://take-note-of-this.herokuapp.com/

User Story

AS A student
I WANT to be able take notes
SO THAT I can remember what I learned and reference them later


  • index - Landing page with link to access note taker application

  • notes - Displays all saved notes, allows user to save a new note (Title / Note) and delete previously created notes


  • GET /notes - Returns the notes.html file
  • GET * - Returns the index.html file
  • GET /api/notes - Reads the db.json file and return all saved notes as JSON
  • POST /api/notes - Recieves a new note to save on the request body, add it to the db.json file, and then return the new note to the client
  • DELETE /api/notes/:id - Receives a query parameter containing the id of a note to delete and updates db.json file





MIT License

Copyright (c) 2020 Courtney J. Seto