
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Matching Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph based on Multi-level Scoring Filters for Table Entity Disambiguation


Requirements & Install

Python 3.11 (Typing required)

We are proud to use poetry as our package manager. All of the dependencies are listed in pyproject.toml.

We use mypy, ruff, and black formatter. So far this project have not been typing safe though.


|-misc            # Some files to process the results.
| |-analysis      # For disambiguation and annotation, including scoring and property match.
| |-datasets      # Universal dataset adapters for processing and evaluating.
| |-evaluators    # Answer tasks with annotation results, perform evaluation and generate HTML report.
| |-process       # Preprocess and databases. Including classes for spell correction and wikidata search.
| |-searchmanage  # Multithread searcher implementation.
| |-table         # ORM classes for representing table and entity.
| |-utils         # Utilities used in preprocess and disambiguation.
|-tests           # Files to execute tests and perform experiments.
|-config.toml     # Configuration of preprocessing, including concurrency, chunk size and timeout.

By default, cache files (databases) are saved in ./.cache.
Result files are saved in ./.result, in separated directories named by timestamp.
Optional SentenceTransformers models are cached in ./.models by default.

Quick Start

At first, you need to load the dataset. You can change LimayeDataset to others like T2DDataset, MusicBrainzDataset, ImdbDataset, and ShortTablesDataset. This will automatically create gt.parquet file to accelerate reading.

from src.datasets import LimayeDataset
ds = LimayeDataset("datasets/Limaye", limit=50) # You can set the limit of tables to use

Create table processor and load cached processed tables (If no table cache, the file will be created). MessagePack format is preferred for smaller size, but json is also OK.

tp = TableProcessor(".cache/limaye.msgpack")

Add dataset to processor. This will check whether tables in the datasets are cached. If not, tables are created and cached. Set force to True and force recreating.

tp.add_dataset(ds, force=False)

Load entity cache to EntityManager. This is optional, but it will accelerate entity retrieval from databases.


Then preprocess the tables.

    skip_query=False,  # Use this to  if you are are that all entities are stored locally and no more KG query is needed
        F.order_by(key=lambda c: -c.score / (1 + c.rank)**0.25),
    ], # Use filers to preliminarily screen out candidates

Create answerer, and annotate all tables loaded to the table processor. Before this, you can assign parameters.

ans = Answerer(ds)
aa = annotate_all(tp)

Dump entity cache for next use.


Fill the answer sheet and evaluate by evaluators provided. Feel free to add any information to metadata.

ans.answer(aa, ".result", [CEA_Evaluator(ds, True)], metadata={"method": "..."})

Generate report file which visualizes historical results. It will open it with browser by default.


The report will be like below: demo-report

We also have profiler support at hand. Just surround your main function with Profiler. It used CProfile and SnakeVi

if __name__ == "__main__":
    with Profile():

You can also refer to codes in example and tests.