
Training speed is very slow!!!

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Readme:Every algorithm can be trained within 30 seconds, even without GPU?it's False
The two places marked in the picture stopped for a long time, and dqn training did not end for more than an hour.

It seems like the long time cost at lines 93-102 of is due to the gameplay process using the well-trained Qnet.


Lines 93 to 102 in c8efed8

while not done:
a = q.sample_action(torch.from_numpy(s).float(), epsilon)
s_prime, r, done, truncated, info = env.step(a)
done_mask = 0.0 if done else 1.0
memory.put((s,a,r/100.0,s_prime, done_mask))
s = s_prime
score += r
if done:

This longer duration is not a problem with the training process itself, but rather a result of the Qnet's ability to successfully play the game for extended periods without failing.