Implementations of basic RL algorithms with minimal lines of codes! (pytorch based)
- 520jeffersonXiaoMi
- akirasosaJapan
- andsnesLaonpeople
- banianzrNSCCSZ
- davidhuang123
- Dhawgupta
- drkostasUniversity of Tennessee, Knoxville
- hong-shNCSOFT
- impet14
- JaredYeDHChina
- jjangga0214
- jskDrTecAce
- justicelee
- kmk0224
- kunaldawnBobble AI
- liadbizHuzhong University of Science and Technology
- LucasSilvaFerreiraHarvard ( MGH)
- marianophielippIntel
- ohsaruman
- ompugaoNanyang Technological University
- qihonglPrinceton University
- rydeen7
- salmcdonaghIreland
- seabiscuit08
- seungeunrho@georgiatech
- shuod
- skdn159Seoul
- sumanth-kalluri
- sumeetsk
- suzhongmou
- tatsuya-ishihara
- viljamiFinland
- vlad3996Minsk, Belarus
- walkacrossShenzhen, China
- wookayinUniversity of Michigan
- yanguanqi