
A full stack 'Hacker News' style demo web application built with React + Redux (Front) and django REST Framework (Server).

MIT LicenseMIT


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A Snippod-Starter-Demo-App is a 'Full Stack Single Page Application' for the starter who want to be a web application developer. We'd like to build this starter kit based on full stack single page web application architecture. Snippod's architecture used a this kind of technology, React + Flux (Redux) + django REST framewrok + RDBMS. This stack is presented by diagram too.

You can check out the hosted version DEMO at http://snippod-demo-front.ap-northeast-2.elasticbeanstalk.com/.

Alt Stack Diagram

Base Repository, Module

A frontside Snippod-Starter-Demo-App-Front is built with React and Redux.
Also a serverside Snippod-Starter-Demo-App-Server is built with django REST framework.

More information is located in each side of repositories.

Getting Started

Preliminaries :

You have to git clone this repository and update all GIT submodules.

git clone https://github.com/shalomeir/snippod-starter-demo-app
git submodule update --init

Further step is located in a each submodules.

If you want to follow step by step, go to a tutorial branch of front repository.


A demonstration of this app can be seen here.

Alt App Demo


Contributions, questions and comments are all welcome and encouraged.


MIT License.

Copyright 2016, Snippod Inc.