
Files for TA recitation sessions in Spring 2020 semester

Primary LanguageTeX

Notes for the Introduction to Econometrics 2

This is the repository containing the files used to create the TeX files for the recitation notes and the lecture slides for the Introduction to Econometrics 2 class in Spring 2020 semester. I used to post the recitation notes before the class and the lectures slides after. Please contact me (sl4436@columbia.edu) or send a pull request if you spot any errors.

Recitation Notes

The following topics are covered at each recitation

Recitation Topics Covered
Recitation 1 Reviewing asymptotic theories
Recitation 2 IV: OLS, assumptions, estimation, and asymptotics
Recitation 3 IV: LIML, control function, various diagnostics test
Recitation 4 Many IV problems, efficient/two-step GMM
Recitation 5 GMM diagnistics tests, Panel: FE/RE
Recitation 6 Panel: RE, dynamic panel data models
Recitation 7 Panel: Intro to factor analysis and other topics
Recitation 8 Bootstraps and multiple hypotheses testing
Recitation 9 Quantile regression, non-parametric regression
Recitation 10 Semiparametric regression, Treatment effects: Random assignment, conditional independence, DiD
Recitation 11 Treatment effects: Violation of conditional independence, MTE and LATE
Recitation 12 Regression discontinuity and machine learning (LASSO)
Recitation 13 Other topics in machine learning

Last, the Book folder contains a single pdf that compiles all the recitation notes into one.

Lecture Slides

I have made separate slides for each sessions. Each recitation covers roughly the same topic as in the recitation notes. Note that I do not have the slides for Recitation 1 as I made the slides starting from the second recitation.
The version I used to upload after class had the annotations that I have made during the lecture. The files uploaded here does not include such files. For those wishing to see the annotated files, please contact me at sl4436@columbia.edu