
Conversion between SMPL families

Primary LanguagePython

Pose Conversion

Parameteric pose conversion between SMPL, SMPL-X, and FLAME.

Currently supports the extraction from the module PIXIE, DECA.

Currently supports the conversion for the module SCARF, HOOD, Next3D, and GART.

Preprocessing Raw Data From Existing Models

From raw DECA(in Next3D) output to pickle dictionary.

python preprocess.py --module_name next3d \
--data_path /your/path/to/deca_results --save_path /your/path/to/save_results/file_name

From raw SMPL(in GART) output to pickle dictionary.

python preprocess.py --module_name gart \
--data_path /your/path/to/smpl_npy --save_path /your/path/to/save_results/file_name

Combining Different Modules into the Single Pose

Combine DECA(FLAME) output with PIXIE(SMPL-X) output.

python combine.py --smplx_path /your/path/to/smplx_results \
	--flame_path /your/path/to/flame \
	--save_path /your/path/to/save_results

Converting Pose Parameters

From PIXIE(SMPL-X) output to HOOD(SMPL) input.

python main.py --load_file ./examples/smplx.pkl \
	--save_path ./examples \
	--load_source smplx --module hood

From PIXIE(SMPL-X) output to HOOD2(SMPL-X) input.

python main.py --load_file ./examples/smplx.pkl \
	--save_path ./examples \
	--load_source smplx --module hood2

From BLENDSHAPE output to Next3D input.

Currently we don't have standard output shape for BLENDSHAPE. This repo utilizes the example JSON file in ./examples.

python main.py --load_file ./examples/a2f_export_bsweight.json \
	--save_path ./examples \
	--load_source blendshape --module next3d


python visualize.py --load_path ./examples/smplx.pkl \
	--model_folder [YOUR/PATH/TO/SMPLX_NEUTRAL_2020.npz]

You can visualize the naive sequence of meshes as below:

python visualize.py --load_path [YOUR/MESH/PATH] \
	--model_type mesh